Predictive analysis in Industry 4.0

Predictive analysis in Industry 4.0


FREE WEBINAR – Tuesday March 9, 2021

Click here for REGISTRATION

This webinar will describe in a simple way the process from data capture at different points in a factory, to the final result: predicting results or situations that allow better management decisions, for example in the area of predictive maintenance.

All this because we are aware that SMEs need to extract valuable information to improve management and make better decisions. We want to help SMEs understand the basic steps and help them analyze the needs they have in their factories and channel them towards digitization solutions, techniques such as comprehensive monitoring and predictive data analysis make it possible to anticipate events in the factories (consumption, anomalies, expenses, income …) and allow the person responsible for managing processes (such as production, maintenance or operations) to make decisions with anticipation, improving efficiency, planning and costs.


1. Provide useful information to walk the path to industrial predictive analytics.
2. Present possible solutions to the challenges and problems that appear in SMEs, during processes of this type.
3. Share experience and ideas of use and value.


Marco Pasquinelli – Managing Partner, Head of Data Management & Analytical Processing. Codd&Date
Niccoló Rondelli – Senior Data Scientist. Codd&Date;
Luis Aguilar Sinde – Monitorización, conectividad e integración OT-IT. Metrix;


The event seeks to transmit the previous experience of other companies so that the attendee knows the path they must travel, from the data capture (monitoring and sensorial) and all subsequent until reaching the prediction.
Webinar language: Spanish. The presentation on predictive analysis will be given in English, with a translation summary, although all materials are in Spanish.<br\>Time will be reserved for questions and answers.</br\>


• Part 1. Monitoring as a way to capture the information of reality and generate the raw material of the data. Solutions for different types of processes and nature of data. Physical and logical sensors. Challenges, difficulties and how to solve them;

• Part 2. Predictive analysis. Tour of a universal method used in other activities and applied to industry or operations (OT) through the use of an AI tool: Neural Networks and Machine Learning;

• Steps of the process with challenges, possible solutions and recommendations in each one;

• Benefits that companies can obtain from this analysis model. Why apply these models?

• Case of use


• Responsible for industrial processes

• Managers or managers of SMEs

• Integrators

• Industry or technology professionals


Free Webinar

Tuesday March 9, 2021, 17:00 to 18:00 (GMT + 2)

Click here for REGISTRATION